6.1. The Users of the Website are not allowed to act inadvertently, unlawfully or in violation of the law whilst using the Services from WIX, nor are they allowed to encourage others to do so.
6.2. The User agrees to not edit, disclose, distribute or reproduce any material originating from the Website, unless WIX has given explicit written consent in advance. The same goes for third party content, insofar the intellectual property on the material in question rests with third parties.
6.3. Furthermore, the Users are not allowed to:
- Mention falsehoods on their Profile;
- Use multiple Profiles per individual;
- Spread commercial information;
- Make racist or offensive statements;
- Disclose, reproduce or otherwise (re)use information on any User's Profile in any way without the explicit consent of the User in question;
- Provide login credentials to third parties, as these are strictly person al.
6.4. In violation of User rules, SLUTNYC is entitled to terminate User Membership and immediately modify, block of delete their profile. The User will be informed accordingly.
Age limit
3.1. Visitors aged 18 or older may register as a User on the Website. Users under the age of 18 will be deactivated immediately by SLUTNTC admins, and the User's Profile will be deleted.
Protection of personal data/privacy
7.1. The privacy policy of WIX applies to the use of the Website. This policy describes how the User's personal data is processed. WIX adheres to laws regulating privacy and cookie legislation. This Privacy policy can be found on the Website.
7.2. The Website is secured in a way that it can store the User's data in a protected, secure environment. Personal data provided by the User upon registration (i.e. subscription), other than the Profile and the picture, are not accessible to third parties. This data are exclusively used by Next Step Media BV for administrative purposes and will never be disclosed to third parties without the explicit consent of the User in question, unless required by a competent court of law, or by court order.
8.1. The cost of using the Website is entirely for the account of the User.
8.2. The cost for the Website's User is listed on the Website. These costs will be settled by the telephone bill of the number that is used for the participation and/or reaction on the Website.